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  • Why Spend $100K+ on a Franchise When You Can Start a Side Hustle for Under $25K from Home?

Why Spend $100K+ on a Franchise When You Can Start a Side Hustle for Under $25K from Home?

The Franchise Fantasy vs. Reality

Why do people drop $100K to $300K on a yogurt or coffee franchise just to spend their days worrying about melted froyo or lukewarm lattes? It’s baffling, especially when you can kick off a lucrative side hustle from your couch for less than $25K. Let’s dive into why an online trade school trumps the franchise life any day.

Franchises like yogurt shops, coffee chains, and small businesses come with hefty price tags. We're talking $100K to $300K upfront. And that’s just the beginning. Then come the royalties, the mandatory marketing fees, and the endless list of expenses. Plus, you have to rent a building and manage employees. It's like signing up for a business marriage – with all the drama but none of the romance.

And for what? The “privilege” of using someone else’s brand? Many franchises fail to deliver the golden ticket to success they promise. Ever noticed how many yogurt shops are more “going out of business” than “grand opening”? It's not pretty.

The Online Trade School Advantage

Let’s talk about the underdog winning the race: the online trade school. You can launch a thriving business from anywhere for an initial investment of around $25K. Here’s how it breaks down:

Example: Price can vary by state

- $10K for your first batch of private label courses.

- $5K for website development and CRM systems.

- $10K for consulting and marketing.

That’s it. You don’t need a fancy storefront or a team of baristas. Just a laptop, a cell phone, and a dream. Your profit margins? A cool 60% to 80%. And the best part? You can work 15-20 hours a week from the comfort of your home or any tropical beach with decent Wi-Fi.

Real Success, Real Stories, Here’s mine, but more is coming!

Don’t just take my word for it. Check out my own success story on Starter Story where I turned a modest investment into a thriving business with the National Trade Institute. It's proof that you don’t need a storefront to make serious money – just the right strategy and a bit of hustle.

The Misconception of Franchises

Franchises are often sold on a “proven model” and brand recognition. But if that were foolproof, why do so many yogurt shops flop? Buying into a franchise is like buying a ticket to a show that might be canceled.

Support and Resources Galore

Starting an online trade school doesn’t mean you’re alone. My newsletter and coaching business, Trade School Secrets, are here to guide you every step of the way. From navigating the WIOA grant to setting up your courses, we’ve got your back.

The Ultimate Comparison

Imagine a franchise owner juggling employees, rent, and endless headaches vs. an online trade school owner sipping coffee at home while the profits roll in. It’s a no-brainer. An online trade school's flexibility and low overhead allow you to work smarter, not harder, and enjoy the freedom to operate from anywhere in the world.

Final Thoughts

So, before you sign your life away to a franchise, consider the smarter, more flexible option. With an online trade school, you control your destiny, enjoy better margins, and can work on your terms.

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