Why do they promote College Day at my kid's school every Thursday?

Why do they promote College Day at my kid's school every Thursday?

Welcome back, everyone. Today is personal for me, so buckle up.

I 2019 (before all the crazy house prices) we left a beautiful new build and moved into 1983 fixer upper. Thanks a lot Chip & Jonna Gaines, ugh. My wife wanted space so we found this gem on an acre. We complete gutted this house and made it brand new. We moved here because it’s ranked the 3rd best school district in the state. Then we noticed this happens every week at their school. They make them wear college shirts and promote college as the only option. Keep in mind that the ones promoting this are our teachers, who, for the most part, are in debt themselves. Listen, I may be biased because I own an online trade school. However, I’m not alone. Since we last met, 10 people have decided to open their own online trade schools in their state.

Trade School Owner Community is growing :)

Trade School vs. College

The ROI Smackdown Parents Need to See!

Ever notice how parents get all misty-eyed when they talk about sending their kids off to college? They imagine ivy-covered buildings, late-night study sessions, and—let’s be real—a mountain of student debt so high it makes Mount Everest look like a molehill. But what if I told you there’s a different path that’s not only shorter but also leads straight to a well-paying job with a fraction of the cost? SURPRISE, the option of a trade school—your kid's ticket to success without the four-year detour or the lifetime of loan payments.

Let’s crunch some numbers, shall we? The average cost of a four-year degree is over $100,000.(All in- housing, food, tuition, and all) That’s right—six figures! And what’s the average starting salary for a fresh grad? Around $50,000 if they're lucky. Now, compare that with a trade school program. Our HVAC course, for example, costs $4,999. Yes, you read that right—less than the cost of a junky used car. And the starting salary? Around $49,000. That’s almost the same starting salary as a college grad, but without the crushing debt and four years of ramen noodles.

ROI? It’s a no-brainer. College grads might start earning more after they’ve climbed the corporate ladder for a decade or so, but trade school grads are cashing checks right away, sometimes even before their college-bound peers have finished their first year.

And let’s not forget job security. Trades like HVAC, electrical, and plumbing are always in demand. Your kid could be the hero who swoops in to fix the AC on a sweltering Texas summer day. Imagine the neighborhood kids cheering them on as they save everyone from melting! Meanwhile, the college grad is still trying to figure out how to pay off that $100,000 while working an entry-level job.

Here’s the kicker: only 37% of college grads work in a job related to their major. So, after four years of studying some kind of poetry or interpretive dance, they’re working in sales or customer service. Not that there’s anything wrong with that—but what if your kid could start a career in a field they trained for, from day one?

Now, I’m not saying college is bad. It’s great for some careers. But if you want your kid to start earning good money sooner rather than later and avoid the debt trap, trade school is where it’s at. It’s time we give trade schools the credit they deserve. They’re not just a backup plan—they’re a smart plan.

So, parents, before you start dreaming of that Ivy League acceptance letter, consider the alternative. Your wallet—and your kid—might thank you.

Disclaimer: You should listen to me because I have a PhD 🙂 Public High School Diploma.

What online TRADE SCHOOL looks like.

Crazy stats:

For all my stat nerds, here you go.

67 of you have started the process of obtaining access of the WIOA grant. 11 of you are already in a trade school for FREE. My goal is to help 1000 people get access to this grant. I know we still have work to do but it’s nice to see this kind of progress.

430 of you have landed here and decided to spend your Saturday mornings with us. Thank you.

This is crazy that I started on X on May 13th. Can you believe as of this morning I passed 1050 followers?!

Listen, if this 42 year can keep up with all of this, you can too. Take action in something this week even if no one is looking.

Last thing - please give me a simple reply. Many emails have been changing and these newsletters are ending up in junk/spam folders. A simple reply to me introducing yourself or ask me a question will help fix this. 

I promise I do my best to answer every single email. 

Until next time, control what YOU can control, take action in something, and don’t forget to smile.

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  1. Share this newsletter with friends who could use a boost. Sharing is caring!

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Together, we will make a difference! 

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See you next week.

The WIOA Ghost Whisperer

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