Most Popular Skilled Trades Funded by the WIOA Grant

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Interesting stats about skill trades.

The WIOA grant continues to fund training in various high-demand skilled trades. In 2024, the most popular trades receiving funding include:

  • Healthcare: With a growing demand for healthcare services, training for roles such as nursing assistants, medical technicians, and home health aides is highly funded.

  • Information Technology: IT support specialists, network administrators, and cybersecurity experts are crucial as the digital landscape expands.

  • Advanced Manufacturing: CNC machine operators, welders, and industrial maintenance technicians are in high demand as manufacturing processes become more sophisticated.

  • Construction: Training for electricians, carpenters, and HVAC technicians remains a priority, reflecting the ongoing need for skilled labor in construction and building maintenance.

  • Transportation and Logistics: Truck drivers, forklift operators, and supply chain managers are essential for maintaining the flow of goods and services across the country.

According to the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning, these trades are supported due to their critical role in the economy and their potential to offer sustainable, well-paying careers​ (Edu & Workforce Repubs)​​ (MD Labor)​.


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Some useful info on the WIOA grant

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) saw significant updates in 2024, with the passage of the “A Stronger Workforce for America Act.” This transformative bill introduces several key changes aimed at enhancing workforce development programs and better aligning them with the needs of job seekers and employers.

Key Changes in the WIOA Reauthorization:

1. Increased Focus on Upskilling: 

   - The reauthorization bill dedicates 50% of adult and dislocated worker funding to upskilling through individual training accounts (ITAs) and on-the-job learning. This strategic allocation ensures that workers have access to personalized training, which is essential for their career advancement in critical industries.

2. Alignment with Employer Demands: 

   - The eligible training provider lists (ETPL) are now streamlined to focus on outcomes and ensure that training programs meet the skill and hiring demands of employers. This results-oriented approach aims to improve the relevance and effectiveness of workforce development programs.

3. Innovative Demonstration Authority: 

   - Select states and local workforce boards now have the flexibility to revamp their workforce systems through a new demonstration authority. This allows for the exploration of creative solutions tailored to unique regional challenges, fostering adaptability and innovation.

4. Promotion of Skills-Based Hiring: 

   - The bill encourages skills-based hiring practices by validating workers' competencies gained through prior experience. It also provides technical assistance to employers to implement these practices, recognizing and leveraging the diverse talents and experiences of job seekers.

Strengthening Pathways to Economic Opportunity:

The updated WIOA also places a greater emphasis on work-based learning for youth and supports individuals transitioning from incarceration to employment. By prioritizing these areas, the legislation aims to create more robust pathways to sustainable careers and economic growth.

Greater Efficiency and Accountability:

The reauthorization enhances the performance accountability system, holding states and local workforce boards accountable for achieving positive labor market outcomes for program participants. This ensures that WIOA programs are delivering tangible benefits to job seekers and employers alike.

These updates reflect a significant step forward in modernizing the WIOA to meet the evolving needs of today’s workforce landscape. By focusing on upskilling, aligning with employer demands, fostering innovation, and promoting inclusive hiring practices, the “A Stronger Workforce for America Act” aims to build a more competitive and skilled workforce for the future.

For more detailed information, you can visit the official sources: House Education and the Workforce Committee and TPMA.

Trade School Secrets Stats

Thank you for all your responses.

46 of you are on the WIOA grant train, chugging along to success! 7 of you have already reached the station, trade school in hand. When I started this journey to pay it forward, I had no idea it would turn into such an incredible ride. My goal is to help 1,000 people, and now we’re picking up steam.

How did my school do last month, well…better than I deserve.

151,000 of that came from WIOA grants.

Trade schools are a fantastic business, especially with the state dishing out these juicy grants. If you know anyone outside of Texas who wants to hop on the online trade school express, let them know I’m here to help them all the way!

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The WIOA Grant Whisperer

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