New Post

Before we jump into today’s topic, let’s hit a few updates:

Buenos dias, everyone!

Mission Progress: My mission to help 1,000 people access the WIOA grant keeps growing! So far, 114 of you have shared your success stories—whether you’ve gotten the grant, started the process, or are nearly there. Congrats! I love hearing how you’re taking charge of your future. Keep the stories coming; they fuel the journey!

X Community Growth: By the time you read this, I might’ve crossed 2,000 new friends on X! It’s been just 4 months, and here’s the kicker—I talk about trade schools! Apparently, the topic isn’t as boring as I thought because you all are loving it. 💪 Keep the follows coming; the world needs more of this conversation.

Trade School Owners Unite: Speaking of growth, my trade school owners community has just welcomed our 13th member—a Dental Assisting school from California. Two months ago, this whole community was just a dream. Now we’ve got 13 powerhouse trade schools, and I can’t wait to share more of their wins with you.

Newsletter Milestone: We just crossed 550 subscribers! 🎉 That means more of you are just as passionate about trade schools as I am, and that means the world to me.

Lucky # 13 has joined.

Now, Back to Investing in YOU.

So, let me tell you—$1,000 a month is chump change compared to what I get in return. And if I had to spend more to keep leveling up, I absolutely would.

Recently, I was accepted into TRIBE—a community of founders and CEOs holding each other accountable. I had to go through three interviews, and honestly, I was sweating bullets, thinking, “Will these people even get what I do?” I mean, when I tell people I own an online trade school, I usually get blank stares. 😅 But then, after a quick 2-minute explanation, I see the light bulbs go off. Being in TRIBE will help me grow and evolve in ways I couldn’t do alone.

I also joined The Growth Network, a community for brand builders. Turns out, I’ve got a brand—and it’s all about spreading the message that we need more trade schools across the 50 states. This isn’t just a “me” mission anymore. It’s a movement.

And I’m part of two local mastermind groups—one from my church and another focused purely on business. Let me tell you, this is the cheat code for growth. You cannot expect new results if you keep doing the same things. Einstein said it best: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Truth, right?

High Pay, Low Uptake—It’s a Real Problem

Shoutout to one of our subscribers, Joseph, for pointing out a gold mine of info. Paul recently dropped a report highlighting some mind-blowing stats:

- In 52 of 55 metro areas, we’re falling way short in producing credentials for high-paying blue-collar jobs.

- The supply of credentials meets only 13% of the projected demand through 2032. That’s a shortfall of almost 360,000 credentials!

Folks, we have a massive opportunity here. These are high-paying, in-demand jobs, and yet, we’re not producing the workers to fill them. This is why trade schools are so critical. The opportunities are there—**we just need the people**. 

Here’s the full article if you want to dive deeper: High Pay, Low Uptake Article

Wait, don’t fall back to sleep…

Final Thought: 

I spend over $1,000 a month investing in myself—and that’s the bare minimum. Why? Because I know the ROI is massive. Every dollar I invest pays me back in growth, success, and the ability to bring others up with me. So here’s my challenge to you:

Invest in yourself.

You might think, “I don’t have the time or the money.” But you do. If you don’t invest in yourself, you’ll be in the same place 6 months from now, wondering why things haven’t changed. Make the change today—whether it’s joining a mastermind, signing up for a course, or just doing something different.

It’s like what I tell my kids: You can’t win if you don’t play the game.

Here’s to making moves!

Until next time, control what YOU can control, take action on something, and don’t forget to smile.

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  1. Share this newsletter with friends who could use a boost. Sharing is caring!

  2. Connect with me on X (formerly Twitter) – let's chat and support each other. Find me at @Trade Schools Secrets-WIOA Whisperer

Together, we can make a difference! 

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The WIOA Ghost Whisperer