Millions and Millions are coming, will YOU be ready?

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Why fear and ignorance is costing you daily.

Welcome back to another wild ride in the “boring-but-oh-so-sexy” world of trade schools!

First off, huge shoutout to my neighbor who suggested I join X back in early May. Little did I know, that single decision would lead to 1,400 new friends—and counting—like I’m handing out Girl Scout cookies on a Saturday morning! Thanks to X, I’ve been able to spill the beans on one of the best-kept secrets in education funding: the WIOA grant. It’s the golden goose that no one’s talking about. And because of it, here we are, 525 strong, on this newsletter journey.

But let me get real for a second. Since launching this newsletter, my inbox has been flooded with emails and DMs from folks eager to open their own trade schools right in their backyard. And you know what? I couldn’t be happier. You all are thinking big, and I love it!

Now, let’s talk about action—specifically, YOURS. I’ve been hearing from a lot of you that I should do a LIVE Zoom call once a week. This would be a chance for anyone needing help with the WIOA grant or current school owners looking for advice to join in and get their questions answered. But before I pull the trigger, I want to hear from you—yes, YOU. Hit reply and let me know your thoughts.

Millions upon Millions are around the corner.

Here’s the kicker: October marks the beginning of a new fiscal year for the WIOA grant, which means millions—and I mean MILLIONS—of dollars will be funneled into local counties across the country. For example, Texas alone received over $150 million in WIOA funding last year, and states like California and Florida aren’t far behind. This is real money that could be fueling your trade school dreams.

So, if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, now’s the time to jump in.

Let’s do a little math, shall we? The average trade school brings in roughly $300K-$500k in revenue per year. Now, imagine you miss out on even a fraction of that because you’re too busy overthinking or letting fear run the show. That’s a six-figure sum slipping through your fingers like sand on a beach.

I’m not here to scare you—okay, maybe just a little—but if you’ve been reading these newsletters for 11 weeks now and still haven’t taken action, it’s time to ask yourself: What’s holding you back? Fear? Ignorance? Spoiler alert: They’re the only things standing in your way.

But guess what? Fear and ignorance have nothing on the 10 brave souls who’ve already joined our community in just 6 weeks. Yep, 10 legends who decided that they’re going to impact lives in their local communities by launching their own online trade schools. And trust me, that number’s going to double, triple, and who knows—maybe even hit 50 before the year’s out.

So, let’s make a pact. If you’re ready to level up with the grant or ownership reply to this email. Let’s talk about how you can snag your share of those millions coming down the pipeline in October. Because the only thing crazier than starting your own online trade school is watching someone else do it and thinking, “That could’ve been me.”

Don’t be the person who reads, dreams, and then…does nothing. Take action, make a change, and who knows? You might just find yourself on the next newsletter as one of the success stories that inspire others.

Ready to make a move? I’m all ears.

What August looks like for my school. Someone pinch me!

Can you believe people are there make these kind of investments?!!

We’re almost done.

Before I sign off, I want to take a moment to say how incredibly lucky I feel to be on this journey with all of you. Each one of you brings something unique to this community, and I’m humbled by the trust you’ve placed in me to guide you through the sometimes chaotic, but always rewarding, world of online trade schools.

When I started this newsletter, I never imagined it would grow into the vibrant, engaged group we have today. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here, for believing in the power of trade education, and for daring to dream bigger for yourselves and your communities.

I want you to know that I’m here for you, not just as a resource, but as someone who genuinely cares about your success. Whether it’s a question about the WIOA grant, advice on starting your own school, or just a chat to share ideas, my inbox is always open.

Remember, we’re all in this together, and your wins are my wins. Let’s keep pushing forward, taking action, and creating something truly impactful. I’m here to help however I can—let’s make these dreams a reality, one step at a time.

Bonus: Seriously, should I do a weekly video call? If I get 10 replies I’ll do it.

Double Bonus:

Don’t want to wait for the grant? Do not fear it because the SELF-PAY model is here. What if you can get your own private label course for $1000 and sell it for $3,999 to $4,999? Those are great profits margins and why 10 have joined our community.

If you want to start a side hustle, this is the one. Let me know if you would like to jump on a call and discuss if a school would be a good fit for you.

Until next time, control what YOU can control, take action on something, and don’t forget to smile.

Like what you read? Here’s how you can help: 

  1. Share this newsletter with friends who could use a boost. Sharing is caring!

  2. Connect with me on X (formerly Twitter) – let's chat and support each other. Find me at @Trade Schools Secrets-WIOA Whisperer

Together, we can make a difference! 

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The WIOA Ghost Whisperer