Ever wonder which states require to wait to get access to the WIOA grant?

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This one is more for school owners than WIOA applicants. However, follow along, as you’ll still learn something.

Welcome back, everyone!
Let’s kick things off with some exciting wins and milestones.

Huge thanks to each one of you—we just crossed the 500-subscriber mark! That means you've been spreading the word, and it's paying off. Next stop: 1,000 subs! Let’s get there together.

X Handle:
We’ve officially welcomed 1,200 new friends! This thing has caught fire, and it’s been a blast engaging with everyone. Who knew that talking about trade schools could be this much fun?

We’re now 10 members strong! That’s 9 brave souls (plus me) on a mission to make a real impact by opening their own online trade schools. Forget sinking $100-150k into an ice cream franchise, no need to buy expensive equipment, and say goodbye to pesky royalties. With just a laptop and a cell phone, they’re out there changing lives and cashing checks in the skilled trades.

I’ve had the pleasure of guesting on 5 podcasts, and guess what? One of them went viral with over 12k views! Check it out: Watch the viral podcast.

Starter Story:
My story has been read by over 800,000 people on Starter Story. Talk about spreading the word! You can read it here: National Trade Institute Story.

Meaningful Conversations:
And now for the best part—connecting with amazing people. Whether they're chasing down the WIOA grant or looking to make a difference, these conversations are priceless. Shoutout to Aaron, a retired vet who’s on a journey to making some life-changing moves. Aaron, you inspired today’s newsletter, and it's going to be a good one. Thanks for being awesome.

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Navigating WIOA Grant Access: What You Need to Know

As you start launching your online trade school, one of the key aspects to understand is how WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) grants are accessed. This funding can be crucial for supporting your students, but the process varies significantly from state to state. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate these differences.

Understanding Waiting Periods for WIOA Grants

In some states, new online trade schools must wait to access WIOA funds. These delays often result from thorough review processes to ensure new institutions meet state standards and comply with regulations.

States with Waiting Periods

  • California: Up to 6 months. The state’s rigorous vetting process ensures high standards and compliance.

  • New York: Up to 6 months. New training providers undergo a detailed review to align with state educational standards.

  • Michigan: 3-4 months. The state reviews new institutions to ensure effectiveness and compliance.

  • Florida: Up to 2 years. Extended waiting periods result from complex state regulations and administrative requirements.

  • Pennsylvania: 6 months. Comprehensive reviews ensure program quality and compliance.

  • New Jersey: 3-6 months. Detailed compliance checks are part of the process.

  • Ohio: 3-6 months. The review process ensures alignment with workforce development goals.

  • Illinois: 6 months. Thorough vetting meets state regulatory requirements.

  • Massachusetts: 3-6 months. Rigorous reviews are required for new providers.

  • Washington: 3-6 months. Detailed assessments ensure adherence to educational standards.

  • Oregon: 3 months. Programs undergo a review to verify their effectiveness.

  • Colorado: 3-6 months. State evaluation ensures compliance with standards.

  • Minnesota: 3-6 months. Reviews confirm program quality.

  • Connecticut: 3-6 months. Compliance checks are part of the approval process.

  • Maryland: 3-6 months. The state ensures effectiveness through detailed reviews.

  • Virginia: 3-6 months. Reviews align programs with workforce needs.

  • Tennessee: 3 months. The evaluation focuses on compliance and program effectiveness.

  • Wisconsin: 3-6 months. Comprehensive reviews ensure quality.

  • Missouri: 3 months. The state reviews for adherence to educational standards.

  • Indiana: 3-6 months. Detailed vetting and compliance checks are required.

  • South Carolina: 3 months. Evaluation ensures program quality and compliance.

  • North Carolina: 3-6 months. Reviews align with workforce development needs.

  • Alabama: 3 months. Programs are evaluated for adherence to standards.

  • Kentucky: 3-6 months. Detailed evaluation ensures state requirements are met.

  • Arkansas: 3 months. The review process verifies program effectiveness.

  • Nebraska: 3 months. State review ensures alignment with workforce needs.

  • Iowa: 3 months. Programs undergo a review for compliance and effectiveness.

  • West Virginia: 3 months. Comprehensive reviews are conducted for new providers.

  • South Dakota: 3 months. Evaluation ensures quality and adherence to standards.

  • Montana: 3 months. Programs are reviewed for effectiveness.

  • Wyoming: 3 months. Quick processing for compliance and quality.

  • Idaho: 3 months. Detailed reviews ensure program quality.

  • Utah: 3 months. Efficient review process for compliance with standards.

  • Nevada: 3-6 months. Reviews ensure adherence to educational and workforce standards.

States with No Waiting Periods

Conversely, some states have streamlined processes that allow quicker access to WIOA funds, enabling new online trade schools to get started faster.

  • Texas: No waiting period. Efficient review process and supportive environment for new programs.

  • Georgia: Minimal or no waiting period. The streamlined approval process supports new educational initiatives.

  • Arizona: No waiting period. Quick processing facilitates access to WIOA funds.

  • Oklahoma: No waiting period. A simplified approval process encourages educational development.

  • Alaska: No waiting period. A streamlined process for new training providers.

  • Hawaii: No waiting period. Quick processing to support educational opportunities.

  • Louisiana: No waiting period. Efficient system for accessing WIOA funds.

  • Mississippi: No waiting period. Streamlined approval supports new programs.

  • Rhode Island: No waiting period. The quick approval process for new training providers.

  • Delaware: No waiting period. Efficient processing for new institutions.

  • New Hampshire: No waiting period. Streamlined procedures facilitate access to funding.

  • Maine: No waiting period. Simplified review supports new trade schools.

  • Vermont: No waiting period. Efficient process for new educational institutions.

  • Kansas: No waiting period. Quick review and processing for new programs.

  • North Dakota: No waiting period. Efficient review process for new providers.

  • Tennessee: No waiting period. Supportive policies and quick processing.

  • Iowa: No waiting period. Simplified procedures for new providers.

  • Indiana: No waiting period. Efficient processing to facilitate access to funds.

  • West Virginia: No waiting period. The streamlined process supports new programs.

  • South Carolina: No waiting period. Efficient review and approval.

  • Montana: No waiting period. Simplified procedures for new trade schools.

  • Wyoming: No waiting period. Quick processing facilitates educational development.

  • Utah: No waiting period. The streamlined approval process supports new institutions.

Why the Differences?

The variation in waiting periods and fund utilization across states is often due to differences in administrative processes, regulatory frameworks, and state priorities. States with waiting periods usually focus on thorough vetting to ensure high-quality programs and effective use of funds, while those with quicker access prioritize rapid educational development and support for new training programs.

What online TRADE SCHOOL looks like.

We’re almost done.

In Summary

Understanding your state’s approach to WIOA grants can significantly impact your planning and execution. Whether you face a waiting period or benefit from faster access, staying informed helps you navigate the system effectively and set your institution up for success.

For personalized guidance or more information on specific state regulations, feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you every step of the way!


Don’t want to wait for the grant? Do not fear it because the SELF-PAY model is here. What if you can get your own private label course for $1000 and sell it for $3,999 to $4,999? Those are great profits margins and why 10 have joined our community.

If you want to start a side hustle, this is the one. Let me know if you would like to jump on a call and discuss if a school would be a good fit for you.

Until next time, control what YOU can control, take action on something, and don’t forget to smile.

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The WIOA Ghost Whisperer

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