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  • Why Breaking the Routine Will Get You Different Results (and Maybe a New Favorite Hobby Besides Binge-Watching Netflix)

Why Breaking the Routine Will Get You Different Results (and Maybe a New Favorite Hobby Besides Binge-Watching Netflix)

Why changing your environment is a must for your future success.

Welcome back to another wild ride brought to you by yours truly, the 42-year-old who’s somehow still getting excited over spreadsheets and course enrollments. Yeah, I’m that guy.

But before we dive in, here’s the weekly update: We just hit 1,720 new friends in our community! That’s 220 more than last week, and no, we’re not slowing down (someone must've left the "growth" button jammed on high). Our trade school squad is now 12 deep, with brave souls joining the mission to impact lives. I’ll be sharing their success stories soon—so stay tuned.

Now, let’s talk about YOU. Whether you’re here to decode the mysteries of the WIOA grant or you’re a school owner looking for the latest resources to scale up like a boss, I’m talking to every single one of you. Buckle up, because some of you may get lost along the way—and honestly, that’s okay. I can’t want this for you more than you do. If you’re still waiting for success to show up like Amazon Prime delivery… well, newsflash: that’s not how it works.

Let’s shake things up and break that routine, because the same old habits are like the friend who always cancels last-minute—predictable and kind of annoying. Ready? Let’s roll!

12 down - 8 more to go 😍 

Same routine. Same weekends. Same friends. Same place.

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a loop? Hitting the same walls over and over again, telling yourself next time will be different, but deep down you know it won’t be?

This is what so many of us—trade school owners, entrepreneurs, leaders—are stuck in. It’s the illusion of progress because we’re busy. But busy isn’t the same as forward.

You’re grinding to get WIOA grant funding. You’re doing the work. But, tell me this: When’s the last time you did something completely different?

I Know the Feeling—It Kept Me Stuck for Years

I was there. I spent months, years even, sticking to my routine. I showed up every day—same meetings, same strategies, same everything—hoping that one tweak here or there would finally unlock the success I was chasing.

Guess what? It never happened.

What did happen? Nothing. I chose to walk away from my cushy 250k a year salary.

I was working, but I wasn’t moving. And it hit me like a ton of bricks: If I didn’t shake up my routine, I was going to stay exactly where I was.

So, I started taking uncomfortable steps. I tried things I’d been avoiding. New methods. Risky strategies. Things that made my stomach drop because they weren’t "safe." And that’s when everything changed.

Now, I’m not saying you have to go wild and tear everything down. But you can’t expect different results from the same actions.

You’re on the Edge of a Breakthrough—If You Change the Routine

Let me ask you: What’s holding you back?

Fear? Doubt? The comfort of routine?

Look, the WIOA grant is a game-changer, but if you’re stuck spinning your wheels with the same approach, you’re leaving potential on the table. What are you afraid of losing? It’s far scarier to lose time than to lose a little comfort.

80% of new businesses fail. Not because they lack passion or talent, but because they didn’t adapt. They stayed in the loop, following the same pattern, until it was too late.

Don’t let that be your story. It’s time to break out.

What Will You Do Today to Shake Things Up?

- Host a live Q&A to engage directly with your audience/students.

- Offer a “crazy” promotion you’ve been too hesitant to try.

- Take a new marketing channel for a test drive.

- Remove social media apps from your phone ( I dare you) .

- Launch a surprise new course or certification.

The details don’t matter as much as the action. You just have to move.

This Is the Moment You Change Everything

I’m not here to sugarcoat things—change is hard. Growth is painful. But what’s worse: staying exactly where you are and wondering “what if”... or taking a risk and potentially opening the floodgates to the success you’ve been chasing?

So what’s your next move? If you’ve read this far, something in you knows it’s time to take action. Do one thing different this week. Just one.

When you are done reading this, just know we are on Week 12. That’s 12 weeks with the same routine. Need help? Reply to this email.

My enrollment team doing a video call to a potential student.

Wait, don’t stop reading …

I know this might be uncomfortable to hear. Change always is. But it’s also where growth happens.

Before we sign off for the week, I want to leave you with a challenge. It’s simple, but it can change everything.

Action Steps for This Week:

1. Identify one routine in your business or life that hasn’t been working.

2. Do something completely different in that area—whether it’s testing a new strategy, taking a risk, or trying a fresh approach.

3. Track the results. Watch what happens when you break the cycle.

And remember: nothing changes if you don’t. You have more control than you think. Don’t get stuck in the comfort zone when there’s a whole world of growth waiting on the other side.

I'll see you next week. But this time, I hope you’ll have a story to share—about how you shook things up and made the bold choice to step out.

The future isn’t waiting. Neither should you.

Until next time, control what YOU can control, take action on something, and don’t forget to smile.

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The WIOA Ghost Whisperer